
How to Join?

Don’t forget to check out the Member Perks offered by California PTA.  Join Mesa Verde PTSA today to enjoy the perks!

Why Join?

  1. Support. Your membership is a great way to show PTSA volunteers you value PTSA programs and services.
  2. Have a voice. PTSA members are welcome to attend meetings to share ideas on programming, community needs and concerns, and learn how to help planned efforts.
  3. Teach your children. Getting involved in your child’s education is proven time and time again to improve student success. It is also important to show kids how to voice their opinions if they want to see change in their school.
    Student members are welcome to attend meetings or contact board members with concerns and suggestions.
  4. Benefits. PTA is a national organization that works hard to support kids across the country.  National PTA has been connecting families and schools for 120 years.  PTA is the largest childrenś advocacy organization in the country.