Garden Club

Our very own Ms. Sterner is a passionate and talented gardener.  Last year, she applied for, and WON a grant for $10,000 from the Rancho Santa Fe Garden Club! Garden Club, with PTSA support, are sponsoring two Campus Beautification Days to upgrade the planters!

Sign up for Campus Beautification Days!

Mrs Sterner’s vision for the grant is upgrading the planters in the 6th, 7th and 8th grade villages to:

  • Provide color and habitat for butterflies, hummingbirds and more (6th and 8th grade)
  • Create a thriving and diverse succulent garden (7th grade)
  • Cultivate a love of gardening and lifelong gardeners in the MVMS student community
  • Grow students who are well educated on waterwise, location appropriate gardening
  • Use the MVMS plants as a source of cuttings and saplings that can be shared, along with growing tips and instructions, with the MVMS community

The grant funding is the first step in achieving this vision.  Most important is to get our MVMS community involved.


  • Students: Thank you for those who joined the Garden Club’s intro event on Feb 15. Join future Garden Club meetings!
  • Parents: If you have waterwise gardening expertise, please share in helping finalize our plans for planting!
  • Community:  Join us for work parties on Saturday March 4th and April 29th from 10 am- 1pm.  The grant calls for students, with community support, to install and enhance our gardens. Let’s help our students achieve this goal! Sign up here!

MVMS Garden Club Donation Needs

  • Old sneakers that are too broken down/old to be handed down or donated.  We are planning a plant installation with them
  • Glass jars and bottles that are at least 8 ounces big.  (Pasta sauce bottles work perfectly). We need them for propagation
  • Succulent cuttings!  Are you thinning out your succulents?  Would you be willing to share some cuttings with us? 

Questions/Comments: email us at [email protected]